BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi Tuesday said he had the highest respect for Kargil hero Vikram Batra and his parents and would rather quit politics than dishonour or hurt them.
Modi was defending his use of Batra's oft-quoted phrase "Yeh dil maange more" to appeal for 300 Lok Sabha seats at a rally in Himachal Pradesh's Palampur, the hometown of Captain Batra.
Addressing a 3D rally, using holographic technique, Modi said: "I talked about Vikram Batra with due respect but later I got to know that my political adversaries made an issue out of it. I was very upset."
"Vikram Batra is the son of India and he became a martyr for us. I salute him and his parents. I can never dishonour our martyrs or hurt their families. I would rather quit politics. I was very saddened to hear about this unnecessary controversy," he said.