The counsel for Delhi government Sudhir Nandrajog, who appeared during Thursday's hearing in the Delhi High Court in the parliamentary secretaries case, said the court verdict "may help get relief" for the 21 AAP MLAs in the office of profit case before the Election Commission.
"According to me the court order may help to get relief for the 21 MLAs in the office of profit issue now pending before the Election Commission," Nandrajog told IANS here.
"The court quashed the appointments in the absence of Lt. Governor's nod, and in view of this the very appointment itself of the parliamentary secretaries was void since day one. Hence if the appointment order is a void order then the question of office of profit issue does not arise," he said.
He, however, clarified the High Court in Thursday's order did not make any reference to the office of profit debate vis-a-vis the pending case before the poll panel.
"But we can definitely use the High Court order and make a ground in favour of the 21 legislators before the Election Commission," he said.
Earlier, AAP spokesman Dilip Pandey said following the court order there are no parliamentary secretaries in Delhi.
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"The High Court quashed the appointments of the 21 Parliamentary Secretaries. This implies that at this point there are no Parliamentary Secretaries in Delhi," Pandey said.
Nagendar Sharma, media advisor to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, said: "After today's (Thursday) High Court order there is no Parliamentary Secretary in Delhi."
Sharma said they will not move the Supreme Court over the issue. "Why should we go to Supreme Court?," he asked.
The court was hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by NGO 'Mukti Morcha' challenging the AAP government's decision to appoint 21 party legislators as Parliamentary Secretaries.