The Delhi High Court on Monday refused to entertain a plea filed by a real-estate company, facing income tax proceedings for its alleged association with Delhi Minister Satyender Jain.
A division bench of Justice S. Muralidhar and Justice Chander Shekhar asked the Akinchan Developers Pvt. Ltd. to approach the assessing officer with its the grievances.
The company has moved the high court challenging an income tax notice issued to it in February for assessment years 2011-12 and 2012-13, and complaining that the IT department had refused to close the reassessment proceedings initiated against the company as it felt that Jain also had some role to play in it affairs.
The company told the court that it did not have any link with the Aam Aadmi Party leader Jain as it sought quashing of income tax notice issued to it as well as setting aside of the proceedings initiated by the department.
The firm had told the tax department that it had duly declared all its income and Jain had nothing to do with it and company's directors h d also paid tax of Rs 3.72 crore.
But the department did not agree with its contentions and passed an order to attach the company's property, said the firm while seeking quashing of the attachment order.