The Delhi High Court on Thursday sought a written response from the city police on a plea by arrested former legislator Rambeer Shokeen, challenging a trial court order to dismiss his bail application.
Justice Vipin Sanghi listed the matter for April 20.
The former Delhi legislator -- arrested in November 2016 from outer Delhi under the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act on charge of running an organised crime syndicate -- alleged he has been kept in custody beyond the stipulated 90 days of filing of the charge sheet.
The other accused in the case includes jailed gangster Neeraj Bawana, Pankaj Sehrawat and others. Bawana was arrested on April 7, 2015, from west Delhi's Mundka area.
Police said in its charge sheet that all the accused were running a crime syndicate involved in extortions and murders, land grab, and settling property disputes.
Police described Bawana as a "symbol of lawlessness" and "kingpin" of the racket, and Shokeen as a "political face" of the syndicate.
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Shokeen was found using the clout of these criminals to contest assembly elections in Delhi to "further his political ambitions and gaining pecuniary benefits", police said.