Actor Mohit Marwah had a blast with his co-stars Kunal Kapoor and Amit Sadh on the sets of the upcoming film Tigmanshu Dhulia's "Raag Desh - Birth of a Nation".
"We had a blast on the set. All of us are health conscious. So we bonded because of that. We discussed about healthy food and workout regime. Kunal and I work out in the same gym so I knew him before shooting for the film. We bonded really well," Mohit told IANS over phone from Mumbai.
He is all praise for the director as well.
"Tigmanshu Dhulia has a quirky way of making films. He makes rooted films like 'Paan Singh Tomar'," said the "Fugly" actor.
Dhulia has also acted in some films like "Shahid" and "Manjhi - The Mountain Man". What about "Raag Desh...", which is based on the Red Fort trials in 1940s?
"No. I don't think he has acted in it. He is a great actor though. He is a good combination of a director, writer and actor. It was fun to work with him," said Mohit.
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