The Himachal Pradesh government Wednesday issued show cause notice to four cement makers for delaying commissioning of five plants but gave permission to Reliance to set up a new unit, an official said here.
The cabinet, headed by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, took the decision to issue show cause notice to infrastructure conglomerate Jaiprakash Associates Ltd, French cement giant Lafarge India Pvt Ltd, Grasim Cements Ltd's subsidiary Harish Cement Ltd and India Cement Ltd, a government spokesperson told IANS.
He said Jaiprakash Associate's two proposed plants are in Solan and Chamba districts, while Lafarge's and Harish's plants are in Mandi district and the India Cement plant is in Shimla district.
The spokesperson said it was also decided at the meeting to grant licence to Reliance Cement for setting up a cement plant based on limestone, shale and quartzite in Chopal tehsil of Shimla district.