Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Wednesday launched six health schemes, including free insulin for diabetic patients below 18 years of age, under the Universal Immunisation Programme here.
The Chief Minister, accompanying state Health Minister Kaul Singh, also launched Himachal Pradesh Universal Health Protection Scheme -- for the treatment of hemophilic patients free of cost, and introduction of measles rubella campaign.
"I am always of the opinion that whatever is to be done should be qualitative and time-bound and be done on priority," an official statement quoting the Chief Minister said.
He honoured J.K. Mokta for his research and work in formulating a scheme for free insulin for diabetic patients below the age of 18 years.
Health Minister Kaul Singh said these schemes would go a long way in strengthening the health services in the state.
He said Himachal Pradesh has become the first state in Southeast Asia to launch the electronic health cards. He said the screening scheme for patients of non-communicable disease has also been launched in the state.
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"It is our priority to provide quality health services to the people and the aim of the government is to strengthen the health infrastructure in rural and far-flung areas," Singh said.
The Minister said dialysis facility for diabetic patients has been started in zonal hospitals of four districts initially, and added that the facility would be extended in phases to other zonal hospitals.