The Himachal Pradesh High Court on Friday directed the state government to provide financial assistance to a pregnant school student, allegedly sexually assaulted by her schoolteacher, till she delivered the child.
"This being a very sensitive matter, investigation (in the case) shall be supervised by the director general of police personally," a division bench of Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Vivek Singh Thakur said.
The court was hearing a plea by the juvenile petitioner, who is in an advanced stage of pregnancy.
The court said she should be immediately admitted to the district hospital in Nahan and directed the chief medical officer concerned to provide all medical assistance, including free medicines, to her till delivery and thereafter.
The court also asked the state to file its reply within four weeks.
A case was registered against her teacher Jagtar Singh on April 1 on charge of sexual assault.
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The women and child development department's director was ordered to provide at least Rs.5,000 per month to her for one year as an interim relief.
The court also directed for suitable accommodation for her attendants and necessary protection to her and her family members.