Himachal Pradesh continued to experience hot weather on Friday with the day temperature crossing the 40 degree mark mainly in low hills, weather officials said but held out a hope of relief from the scorching heat with predictions of rain or thundershowers soon.
Una town was the hottest in the state with a high of 42 degrees Celsius.
Most of the areas in Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Una and Kangra districts have been witnessing abnormally high temperature owing to prevailing dry weather.
"Fresh western disturbances will be reactive in the region on May 23, bringing rainfall and thundershowers at some place in the state for two days," an official of the meteorological office told IANS.
Sundernagar recorded a maximum temperature of 36.5 degrees Celsius while Dharamsala was three notches above average at 33.8 degrees, Kalpa 25.6 degrees and Nahan 34 degrees Celsius.
State capital Shimla was hot at 27.6 degrees, but got some relief from sizzling weather of Thursday when the day temperature was 29 degrees.
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