Himachal Pradesh Revenue Minister Kaul Singh Tuesday demanded funding from the central government for the introduction of satellite-based revenue settlement procedure in the entire state.
Kaul Singh met union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh in New Delhi and raised this demand.
He said the introduction of satellite-based settlement procedure in the state would help modernise the entire revenue records.
Singh said the old system of settlement was full of flaws which led to disputes.
The satellite-based settlement procedure has been introduced on an experimental basis in a few villages in Mandi, Sirmaur and Kangra districts, Singh said.
This has improved revenue administration and helped the villagers as well as revenue officials.
The minister said the satellite-based settlement procedure would be technology- friendly and could be accessed through common service centres set up throughout the state.
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Singh requested the central government to provide technical and expert training to the revenue staff of the state.
He said Jairam Ramesh would soon visit the state to assess the impact of various centrally-sponsored schemes and inspect ongoing development projects.