As "Padmaavat" released in 4,000-plus screens in India, barring a few states, the movie's makers said the first day response has been overwhelming, but they hope Indians across all states get to watch it.
"We are humbled with the response we have received for 'Padmaavat'. Over 1 million Indians have already watched the film and occupancy levels for shows are very strong across more than 4,000 screens - with most running houseful. The feedback for the film has been overwhelming," a Viacom18 Motion Pictures spokesperson said in a statement.
"We are grateful to the government, state authorities, police and our fans for making the opening a stellar success. We are hopeful that every Indian - across all states- will get a chance to see the film especially as we celebrate our great nation's 69th Republic Day," the spokesperson added.
The movie, which tells the story based on "Padmavat", 16th century poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi's poem on Rani Padmavati, has been facing protests from Shri Rajput Karni Sena which has condemned the makers for alleged distortion of historical facts.
The governments in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh did not allow the film to release.
"Padmaavat", starring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor, has opened to mixed reviews from critics, but fans of the actors have given it an encouraging response.
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Deepika's fans created a #DP1stDay1stShow club on social media, where they posted pictures with tickets and went live from theatres, despite all the hullabaloo around the movie.
Touched by the reactions, Deepika tweeted: "I cannot believe what I'm seeing!!! What a show of pure genuine love and commitment! I'm not only touched and overjoyed, but extremely humbled seeing this absolutely unique initiative. #DP1stDay1stShow."