Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel has said she hoped the work on Sardar Sarovar Project dam would be completed on schedule by December.
The chief minister on Tuesday visited the dam site to inspected installation of sluices atop the spillways to raise its height from 121.9 metres to 138.68 metres.
She also launched the raft concrete work at 182-metre high 'Statue of Unity' near the Sardar Sarovar Project to mark Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's death anniversary.
The chief minister said the work on 29 piers and 30 bridge spans was complete while that on 12 sluices was in progress.
Patel said once the dam's height was raised to its maximum, canal water would reach border areas in Kutch and make it prosperous.
She said the Statue of Unity, once completed, would be of interest for engineering students and a major tourist attraction.