Uttar Pradesh Governor Ram Naik Tuesday said he was hopeful that in the next five years Prime Minister Narendra Modi will thrash out a solution to the Ram Janma Bhoomi-Ram Mandir tangle.
On a visit to the temple town of Ayodhya, Naik, responding to a question by reporters, said he was very hopeful that Modi will find a consensus on the contentious issue.
"So far, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken everybody along and is taking care of all major issues. I am sure in the next five years he will pay attention to the Ram Janma Bhoomi issue as well," he said.
He also said that he was not happy with the law and order situation in the state and has been giving his advise to the state government from time to time.
Naik has been courting controversy ever since he took up the job at Raj Bhavan. The ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) has accused him of behaving like a BJP-RSS leader and alleged that he was breaching his limits to destablise the state government.
-- Indo-Asian News Service