Actor Hrithik Roshan on Thursday shared the first look of veteran Bollywood actor and his former father-in-law Sanjay Khan's autobiography "The Best Mistakes of My Life". It is set to be launched during Diwali.
"He is the original Khan and what a story he has to tell. Sanjay Khan's autobiography is going to be out soon. Here's the first look of his autobiography titled 'The Best Mistakes of My Life'," Hrithik tweeted.
The autobiography will present an in-depth account of Sanjay Khan's life - his career in the Hindi film industry, relationships and friendships, adventures and accidents.
Sanjay has acted in more than 40 films and produced and directed films like "Chandi Sona", "Kala Dhanda Goray Log" and the television classic "The Sword of Tipu Sultan".