A day after the BJP took potshots at Karnataka Chief Minister H.D. Kumaraswamy, the JD-S leader denied on Tuesday that he had blamed the Congress or its leaders at a party event on July 14. He said he was misquoted on his statement about being unhappy heading the coalition government in the state.
"It was my party's event and I got emotional. My comments were misinterpreted. I did not say anything about Congress or any of its leaders," he told reporters.
Kumaraswamy broke down at a party event on Saturday, stating that he was "not happy" holding the top post and that he was swallowing the pain like 'Vishakantha' (Lord Shiva) who drank poison, triggering a political slug-fest.
The Chief Minister is on a two-day visit to the national capital starting Tuesday, during which he is due to meet many Union ministers.
On Tuesday, he met Union Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan over funds needed for foodgrain procurement since 2013-14. He is expected to meet Union Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari.
On Wednesday, he will meet Union Ministers for Agriculture, Railway, and Defence.
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