Celebrated filmmaker and actor Arbaaz Khan has said although the Supreme Court in its new rule has not mandated a citizen to stand up while the National Anthem is played at public places, he will always get up to pay his respect to it.
During the trailer launch of his film "Tera Intezaar", Arbaaz on Wednesday said, "Irrespective of Supreme court's decision that says that we do not need to stand up for National Anthem when played in theatre, I will always stand up for it."
"My mind is conditioned that way, it is a practice for me, so whenever I hear National Anthem, I will automatically stand up, no matter what, and it is in my headspace," he told told reporters here.
Sunny Leone, who was also present at the launch, added, "I think patriotism is one of those emotions that come from within, it comes from the heart. Whatever the judgment is, I think you should stand for your National Anthem, I do."
On Monday, The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre to take a call on the playing of the national anthem in public places, including cinema halls.