The ministry of human resource development has written to all state education departments asking them to effectively implement the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK), an official release said Tuesday.
It also asked the departments to coordinate with the National Rural Health Mission for the RBSK, which was launched last year.
The RBSK aims to screen children up to the age of 18 years for defects at birth, deficiencies, diseases and developmental delays.
"In the current year, 3.45 crore children were screened and 12 lakh children identified with health conditions. They were referred to health facilities for further management," the statement said.
It said 4,844 block level mobile health teams have been mobilised for early screening of children at anganwadis and schools.
"All children born at public health institutions and at home are screened for birth defects by health personnel and accredited social health activists, respectively. Those between six weeks to six years of age are screened at anganwadi centres," the release said.
It added that mobile block health teams screen children between the age of six and 18 years who are enrolled in government and government-aided schools.