India was looking for "transferable and unique" technology through the Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) with the US, a defence ministry official said Monday.
"We have identified some technologies for the DTTI. The fundamental is whatever we do, we would like the technology to be unique and transferable," G. Mohan Kumar, secretary for defence production, said at a press conference.
Asked about the nature of projects, he said: "There are suggestions from both sides, it is premature to say anything."
The secretary said it will all be "demand driven". "Something can be co-developed."
He said the agreement was a "very young" framework and it will take time to mature and India was looking for technologies which "can give us an edge".
Under the DTTI, India and the US have agreed on co-production on four projects -- including the Raven unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and the "roll-on, roll-off" intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance module for the Lockheed Martin-manufactured C-130 J transport aircraft.