India on Wednesday said it has provided Pakistan with "actionable evidence" of the involvement of the Pakistani Army in the killing and mutilation of two Indian soldiers on Monday and demanded that Islamabad take action on the incident that again flared bilateral diplomatic tensions.
Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar on Wednesday summoned Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit and conveyed India's outrage over the "barbaric act" and told him that the Pakistani army was involved in the May 1 incident in Jammu and Kashmir near the Line of Control.
As part of the "actionable evidence" that Pakistan has demanded, after India accused it of being behind the killing and mutilation of the two Indian soldiers, Jaishankar said that the attack on the Indian soldiers was "preceded by covering fire from Pakistani posts in Battal sector (in vicinity of village Battal)".
Jaishankar also said that "blood samples of Indian soldiers that have been collected and the trail of blood on Roza Nala (at the attack site) clearly shows that the killers returned across the Line of Control".
The army's Naib Subedar Paramjeet Singh and the BSF's Head Constable Prem Sagar were killed and their bodies mutilated in Krishna Ghati sector of Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday.
India says that a Border Action Team (BAT) of Pakistan was behind the incident close to the Line of Control.
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