The Indian film industry has been asked to increase its presence at the prestigious Berlinale, the Berlin Film Festival, as a gateway to an expanded European viewership.
Indian Ambassador Gurjit Singh interacted with prominent members of the Berlin Film Festival and Indian Film Industry such as Kiran Rao, Anupama Chopra, Celine Loop and Meenakshi Shedde at the European Film Market here.
In his interaction, he highlighted the need to increase the presence of Indian cinema at the Berlinale. He also discussed means to increase the export of Indian cinema to Europe. The discussion provided inputs for the panel discussion titled 'India's Big Chance' in which prominent panellists including Sanjay Suri and Guneet Monga participated.
He also met with promising young Indian talents who were part of the 'Berlinale Talents' and encouraged them to contribute more for spreading Indian culture through the medium of films.