Actor Shekhar Suman, who fought the Lok Sabha election in 2009 on a Congress ticket, says the forthcoming general election has created an interesting environment with three parties fighting it out, just like three films would at the box office.
He said: "Such kind of election has never happened before. It's true that Congress ruled for 50 years after Independence and BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) also formed the government from 1998 to 2004.
"This time people are talking about the Narendra Modi wave which will sweep everyone. Then there is Aam Aadmi Party also and they have written it on their caps to tell people about them.
"This triangular fight is similar to how three films which release on the same day and fight at the box office. It's hard to tell which one will earn more."
The 53-year-old spoke on the sidelines of the NRI of the Year awards here Monday.
He hopes the country gets a good government.
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"Let's hope that India gets the kind of government it needs today," said the actor.
Shekhar, a popular TV anchor-actor had fought the 2009 general election from Patna Sahib constituency against veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha. He lost by a huge margin while Sinha has been re-nominated from the constituency this time.