Uttar Pradesh-based IPS officer Amitabh Thakur, who has alleged he got a threat from Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav, on Monday met officials of the union home ministry and sought protection for himself and his wife.
Talking to the media after meeting Additional Secretary Anant Kumar Singh, Thakur said he was assured by the ministry officials that they would look into the issue.
"Anant Kumar Singh told me that he would go into the petition, he will look into each and every point. In fact, he was concerned about the entire sequence of events," Thakur said, adding that the ministry official assured him of "appropriate action".
"He (Singh) said that as per law and circumstances, he will take appropriate action, including about (giving) central protection and even about CBI inquiry. If he finds it important and relevant, he will communicate with the state government.
"Whatever he said was, to me, quite satisfying and I hope the home ministry shall be giving me justice in entirety," the Indian Police Service (IPS) officer said.
Thakur and his wife Nutan are behind a slew of public interest litigations (PILs) against the Uttar Pradesh government and have been targeting state Mining Minister Gayatri Prasad Prajapati, a close confidant of Mulayam Singh.
Meanwhile, a Ghaziabad-based woman filed a rape complaint against Thakur, a day after he filed a complaint against the Samajwadi Party chief.
The party has termed the allegations levelled by Thakur and his wife as "baseless and frivolous".