The Delhi High Court on Wednesday was informed by union minister Smriti Irani and Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam, who have filed defamation cases against each other, that no compromise could be reached between them.
The court earlier referred the matter to mediation, asking them to settle out-of-court a defamation complaint Nirupam had filed against Irani, the union human resource development minister.
Justice Suresh Kaith, after being informed by counsel of the two leaders that the mediation could not be materialised, issued formal notice to Nirupam on Irani's plea against the trial court's order summoning her that she used derogatory language against him during a TV debate.
On August 13, appearing for Irani, advocate Anil Soni told the court that they agree to mediation and Nirupam's counsel also assented.
Nirupam, a former MP, alleged that on December 20, 2012, when the Gujarat assembly poll results were announced, Irani made "defamatory and scurrilous comments" against him during a TV debate.
She too filed a similar complaint against the Congress leader for allegedly defaming her during the same debate aired on a private news channel.