In a unique endeavour, India's prestigious literary events, including the Jaipur Literary Festival, will see a sharing of pool of eminent panelists to reach out to a bigger audience in different parts of the country, it was announced here Monday.
Authors and litterateurs, part of the stellar lineup at the forthcoming Jaipur Literary Festival (JLF), the Chennai meet and crime writers' festival will also be seen at the sixth edition of the Apeejay Kolkata Literary Festival (AKLF) here beginning Jan 14.
"For example, British playwright Hanif Kureshi will be a part of the JLF and AKLF as well," AKLF director Anjum Katyal said here Monday.
"This will help to widen reach among Indian booklovers," she said.
India's cultural heritage, as well as commemoration of 125th birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, will be the highlights at the fest.
Spanning five days, the literary forum will host eminent personalities from various fields including Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, Justice Leila Seth, conservationist Saad Bin Jung of the Pataudi royal family, British journalist John Elliot and American travel writer Michael Buckley.