The talk show hosted by Japanese presenter Katsura Bunshi VI has entered the Guinness World Records for being the longest-running show in the world hosted by the same person and going on air for over 44 years.
"Shinkon-san Irasshai!" ("Welcome, Newlyweds"), that began being broadcast on January 31, 1971, set a new record on June 7 after being on air for 44 years and 127 days with the 71-year-old Bunshi at its helm, Efe news agency reported on Friday.
During the programme, the host invited newlywed couples to share how they met each other and about their new life together.
The nearly 45-year show has been on air with Bunshi at its helm and surpasses that of other prominent talk show hosts, including the American Larry King's, whose show on CNN set the Guinness World Record for being on air for 25 consecutive years till 2011.
Veterans including Phil Donahue, who hosted "The Phil Donahue Show" for 29 years, and Oprah Winfrey, host of "The Oprah Winfrey Show" for 25 years, or David Letterman who spent almost 30 years between NBC's "Night with David Letterman" and CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman", have been overtaken by Bunshi.
"I want the show to keep on airing even if they change hosts," Bunshi told Japanese daily Asahi.