Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa on Sunday said she had a "rebirth" because of prayers of the people and urged the AIADMK to work for the party's victory in upcoming by-elections.
Jayalalithaa said in a signed statement issued here that she was happy to share the information that she had received the blessings of people in Tamil Nadu, other states and other countries too.
She said she was waiting to resume normal work after getting well soon.
The 68-year-old Jayalalithaa was admitted to Apollo Hospitals with fever and dehydration on September 22.
The doctors later said she needed a longer stay at the hospital as she was suffering from infection and put her on respiratory support.
Jayalalithaa urged the AIADMK activists to work hard so that the party candidates won in the November 19 assembly by-elections in Aravakuruchi, Thanjavur and Tiruparankundram constituencies in Tamil Nadu and Nellithope in Puducherry.
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