Lack of coordination between the Jharkhand government and Rashtrapati Bhavan resulted in a loss of Rs.1.25 crore to the state as three temporary helipads constructed ahead of President Pranab Mukherjee's visit were not even used, a government source said.
Mukherjee was on a two-day Jharkhand visit from January 9.
He participated in the convocations of the Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh, and BIT Mesra, Ranchi. He also participated in the Banga Sammelan in Khel Gaon here.
"The helipads were constructed at BIT Mesra and Khel Gaon. The president visited all the places by road," a Jharkhand government source told IANS on Tuesday.
"The district administration, without taking confirmation from Rashtrapati Bhavan, requested for temporary construction of three helipads," the source said, adding that these would not be used in future.
The state government also spent a huge amount of money on improving the condition of roads and beautifying the paths through which the president passed.