As Bollywood couple Kajol and Ajay Devgn's son Yug turned five on Sunday, the actress beamed with joy and said that it's a "happy and proud" moment for her, while Ajay was in awe with how fast the time flies.
Kajol, who is busy in shooting for Rohit Shetty's upcoming film "Dilwale", took to Twitter to share: "Very happy and proud as Yug turns 5 today! Let's make sure every child has that chance."
The "Drishyam" star Ajay Devgn also thanked his fans and followers for their "best wishes".
"Time flies, Yug turns 5 today. Thanks everyone for your best wishes. #ProudDad," Ajay tweeted.
The duo got married in 1999 and have two children together. The couple have shared the silver screen in movies like "Ishq", "Pyaar To Hona Hi Tha" and "Raju Chacha".
On the movie front, Kajol is gearing up for "Dilwale", in which she is coming back on the silver screen opposite superstar Shah Rukh Khan.