Stand-up comedian Kapil Sharma turned 32 on Wednesday and said his wish is to host cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar on his popular show "Comedy Nights with Kapil", which has so far featured big names like Hindi film superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan and badminton ace Jawala Gutta.
Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan too will be seen on the show.
"I met Sachin sir at the Mumbai police function and asked him to come to my show. If he comes, I will feel very happy," Kapil said Tuesday on the sets of his show after cutting a cake with his cast and crew.
Meanwhile, on his birthday he shot with Amitabh and was very excited.
"Bachchan saab is coming now. Every actor dreams of working with him and now that he is coming on our show, I am very excited," Kapil said.
Talking about the success of his show, Kapil said the viewers' blessings are his biggest achievement.
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"It feels good. When a man comes with a dream and it is fulfilled, it feels really good. I hope to get more and more love from the public, do good work. Many people have earned fame, but the blessings that we get are so good," Kapil said.
"There was this lady who was suffering from cancer. She came on our show and told me that for that one hour I forget all my problems and my pain. So their blessings are the biggest achievement for us," he added.
Kapil came to light after winning the third season of "The Great Indian Laughter Challenge." Before entering "Comedy Circus", he had hosted a few shows also.
In June 2013, he started "Comedy Nights with Kapil" under his own banner and which is a runaway success.