Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday dubbed Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Clean India campaign a failure, and said the youth were losing faith in the Modi government.
Addressing a meeting organised by the Bihar government here, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader also hinted that electricity prices in Delhi may become cheaper.
In a direct attack on Modi, he said people were promised before the Lok Sabha election that black money would be brought back to the country, and now they were being told to do yoga.
Kejriwal said that while millions of rupees had been spent on advertisements related to the "Swachh Bharat" drive, "not a single lane was clean".
While not visibly taking sides in the upcoming Bihar assembly election, he said people in the state had two models to choose from -- the central and the Delhi governments.
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Praising his own six-month-old government, Kejriwal said he and the AAP were made fun of when they spoke about providing cheap electricity ahead of the Delhi assembly election in February.
The people of Delhi, he said, were happy with the subsidies provided on power bills. "It is possible electricity may become further cheaper."
He claimed that if assembly elections were held in Delhi now, the AAP -- which bagged 67 of the 70 seats in February -- would win all 70 seats.
Saying "negative politics" and "politics of abuse" were losing their appeal, he added the attraction of the young vis-a-vis the Modi government was waning.