Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday raised, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Lt Governor Anil Baijal, the coal shortage in thermal power stations in the NCR.
"Dadri I and II, Jhajjar and Badarpur are facing acute coal shortage since last many days and at present, all of them are operating one day ahead basis coal stock not sufficient for even one-day full generation," he said in a letter to both.
"As per norms this stock conditions is to be maintained for at least 15 days ahead period," he added.
In his letter, Kejriwal, noting that the demand has already crossed 6,200 MW and is expected to touch 7,000 MW, urged them to intervene to resolve this crisis like situation at the earliest in order to avoid load shedding or any major grid incidence leading to blackouts.
He attributed the coal shortage to the non-availability of transportation rakes with Indian Railways, "due to which the available coals are not getting transported to the NCR thermal stations".