Reacting to a Bengaluru court verdict on Saturday exonerating him from all charges in the infamous "solar scam" case, former Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy said the truth has triumphed.
The Bengaluru Additional City Civil and Sessions Court dropped all charges against Chandy made in the case filed by Bengaluru-based businessman M.K. Kuruvilla, who claimed he had lost Rs 1.35 crore in 2011-12 as he was promised licence and subsidy from both central and state governments for importing solar technology from South Korea.
Kuruvilla had alleged that Chandy had promised that "everything will be taken care of".
Last year, the court asked Chandy and four other accused in the cheating case to pay the amount claimed by Kuruvilla, but Chandy filed a fresh petition challenging the order on the grounds that his version was not heard before pronouncement of the judgment.
After this, Chandy got the opportunity to present his version in June, and on Saturday the court exonerated him, as Kuruvilla failed to substantiate his charges against the former Chief Minister.
Speaking to reporters in the midst of the Vengara assembly by-election campaign in Malappuram district, Chandy said he was confident his name would be cleared as he had done no wrong.
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"I was confident that truth will triumph and it has happened. Let all those who pointed fingers at me understand that I have done no wrong at all," said Chandy.
The Rs 70-million "solar scam" had rocked the Chandy government (2011-16) after reports surfaced in June 2013 that three of the Chief Minister's Office staff had contacts with a "couple" who cheated many investors by taking money in the name of supplying solar panels to them.