The Kerala Women's Commission (KWC) on Tuesday decided to serve notice to Malayalam superstar Mammootty, director Nithin Renji Panicker and producer Alice George for "portraying women in bad light" in 'Kasaba' released this month.
"An actor like Mammootty, who has a huge following and acceptability while doing such acts, can bring wrong influence in society and should have seen that he does not do such things," a KWC statement said here after the panel's meeting, chaired by KWC chairperson K.C. Rosakutty, to discuss the issue.
The KWC took strong exception to the "misogyny, besides use of double meaning" in many movie dialogues, which the panel termed a "gross injustice to women".
The commission said it will write to the Film Certification Board to see to it that due diligence and attention was paid to when films showing women in poor light came up for certification.
Organisations representing different categories of people working in the film industry will also be asked to see that these things are considered by their respective members.
The Women's Commission decided to take up the issue after the mainstream media as well as the social media highlighted it. A KWC member viewed the film and submitted a report to the panel.
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The KWC said such acts of portraying women in poor light should not occur on the pretext of 'creative freedom'.
Mammootty plays a police inspector in the movie, a directorial debut of Panicker, son of veteran Malayalam film personality Renji Panciker.