Actor Rohit Roy, who is all set to host and be a narrator on new show "Khooni Saaya" on TV channel ID (Investigation Discovery), says he is confident the show "will help create a more vigilant society".
In each episode of the show, Rohit will present a new murder mystery and an in-depth look into the evil that can lurk within a neighbourhood. Interviews with investigators, prosecutors, family members and neighbours will help solve the crimes.
"I am excited to be part of ID... 'Khooni Saaya' is a unique show based on real life investigations and I am confident that it will help create a more vigilant society," Rohit said in a statement.
A channel official said "Khooni Saaya" brings forth murder stories that have shocked people with brilliant reconstruction and in-depth investigation.
"Rohit will entertain viewers with his gripping narrative and impactful presentation style," said Arun Thapar, vice president - programming, Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific.
The series will premiere on ID on June 1.