As the story of finding love in friendship and reclaiming it through "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai" turned 17 on Friday, filmmaker Karan Johar got in a nostalgic mode, saying that he started his journey in the world of glamour and glitz with the movie. Its lead actor Shah Rukh Khan thanked the cast for giving him "beautiful memories".
The film took the movie-goers back to college and into the life of best friends - Rahul (Shah Rukh) and Anjali (Kajol), and how their bond changes with the entry of a girl named Tina (Rani Mukerji). With time, they drift apart and then meet again after several years at a summer camp thanks to Rahul's daughter.
The film then highlights how the daughter tries to bring her father and his friend get back together. The movie marked Karan's directorial debut and superstar Salman Khan also had a small but impactful role in it.
Karan took to Twitter to share "#17YearsOfKKHH...where my journey began...and so blessed that I am allowed to do what I love best."
And Shah Rukh Khan also shared: "17 yrs of KKHH. Thanks Karan Santosh Jatin Lalit Salman Faridaji Anupam Johnny Sana Kajol Rani and all. Beautiful memories".