The Startup Village here received a shot in the arm Saturday with the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) formally opening its innovation zone within the campus to improve the energy situation in the state by exploring new ideas and developing cutting edge technologies.
Inaugurating the zone, Kerala Minister for Power and Transport Aryadan Mohammad hoped that the new technology solutions to be developed at the Startup village will benefit the KSEB to improve its efficiency.
"The KSEB is presently engaged in developing a technology to generate power from Kerala's abundant coconut oil and I hope the innovation zone would come up with a full-fledged solution on this," said Mohammad.
Already 15 students have come up with technological ideas to associate with the KSEB innovation zone and their selection process will be handled by the KSEB officials in association with the Startup village technocrats.
The new arrangement will have facilities to accommodate nearly 100 young entrepreneurs to incubate their ideas.
The KSEB and the Village inked a one-year agreement to partner the venture, which will be a landmark in the development of an innovation ecosystem in the country.