The Tamil remake of last year's critically-acclaimed Telugu thriller "Kshanam" has been titled "Sathya", starring Sibiraj, Remya Nambeesan and Varalaxmi Sarath Kumar in the lead.
In a statement, the makers announced the title and also unveiled the first look poster.
The film's title has been borrowed from 1998 Kamal Haasan-starrer Tamil actioner of the same name.
Wishing the team best luck, Haasan tweeted on Friday: "All the very best Sibiraj. Glad to see your Sathya also sports a beard. Rock on."
The film's story revolves around the disappearance of a young girl and the events that follow.
Directed by Pradeep Krishnamoorthy, the film is produced by Sibiraj's home banner Nathambal Film Factory.