Telugu actress-producer Lakshmi Manchu has welcomed a baby girl through surrogacy. "It's one of the best moments of my life," tweeted her father and actor Manchu Mohan Babu.
Lakshmi, her husband Andy Srinivasan and the entire Manchu family are extremely delighted with the news.
"God has been kind. @LakshmiManchu my darling daughter has been blessed with a baby girl through surrogacy. One of the best moments of my life (sic)," posted Mohan Babu on his Twitter page Sunday.
Lakshmi has starred in Telugu films such as "Gundello Godaria, "Doosukeltha" and "Chandamama Kathalu", while as a producer she's known for making "Nenu Meeku Telusa" and "Jhummandi Naadam".