Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday allocated ministries to his new ministers, making RJD chief Lalu Prasad's younger son Tejaswi Yadav the deputy chief minister.
Lalu Prasad's elder son Tej Pratap is the new health minister, official sources said. Tejaswi Yadav was allocated the portfolios of PWD, forest and environment.
According to a statement issued by the Bihar government, Governor Ram Nath Kovind, acting on Nitish Kumar's advice, had made Tejaswi Yadav the deputy chief minister.
Nitish Kumar has kept the home, information and public relation as well as general administration ministries with him.
RJD leader Abdul Bari Siddiqui has got the finance portfolio while JD-U leader Vijayander Yadav has been given the energy department.
Senior JD-U leader Lalal Singh, known to be close to Nitish Kumar, has been given the water resources development portfolio.
Congress leader Ashok Choudhary is the new education minister.