In an embarassment to RJD chief Lalu Prasad, his wife and former chief minister Rabri Devi and his daughter Misa Bharti were trailing from Saran and Patliputra parliamentary seats in Bihar.
After several rounds of counting, Rabri Devi was trailing by over 20,000 votes to Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Rajiv Pratap Rudy in Saran constituency.
In Patliputra seat, Misa Bharti was trailing by over 18,000 votes to BJP candidate Ram Kirpal Yadav.
The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) supremo had worked overtime in both constituencies for his wife and daughter as it was a prestige issue for him.
Saran is considered home turf for Lalu Prasad as he had won the Lok Sabha polls for the first time in 1977 from there. In the 2009 Lok Sabha polls, he won from Saran by over 50,000 votes.
He was defeated in Patliputra in 2009 by over 10,000 votes by the Janata Dal-United, at that time an ally of the BJP.