Actor Rajkummar Rao, who has featured in intense roles in films like "Shahid" and "Trapped", will be seen dancing for a change in the quirky entertainer "Bareilly Ki Barfi". He says he learnt it by looking at actors.
"Like most of the people in small towns, I learned dancing by looking at a lot of actors dancing. That's how I learnt it," Rajkummar said in a statement.
In "Bareilly Ki Barfi", the National Award winning actor is playing the role of Pritam Vidrohi, a small town guy.
He gave a dekko of his dancing skills at the launch of the song "Twist kamiraya" here earlier this week.
The film features Kriti Sanon alongsideRao and Ayushman Khurana.
Written by "Dangal" writer-director Nitesh Tiwari and Shreyas Jain, the movie is scheduled to release on August 18.
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