The Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) outfit on Tuesday threatened Jammu and Kashmir Education Minister Naeem Akhtar "not to force people to resume normal work", reports said.
Local news agency CNS said LeT chief Mehmood Shah has sent them a statement which says that the "present uprising in Kashmir is not against the education system but against India that is illegally in occupation of Kashmir from past seven decades".
In the statement, the outfit threatened Akhtar "of dire consequence if he continues to force people to resume normal work".
"Akhtar should desist from forcing people to end the strike," it warned.
People of Kashmir are educated and "can differentiate between good and bad. The present struggle is not against education system but against Indian occupation. If Naeem Akhtar doesn't budge, we will initiate action against him", Shah said in the statement.
Akhtar has been constantly requesting everybody, including the separatist leadership, that since education concerns the future of Kashmir, educational institutions must be left out from the ambit of protests and shutdowns.
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