The Lok Sabha on Thursday witnessed two brief adjournments during the question hour as the opposition created ruckus over several issues, including the Rafale deal and demand for special status to Andhra Pradesh.
Soon after the House met at 11.20 a.m. after the first adjournment, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan urged the members to raise their issues according to rules and assured them of discussion.
"Every party has thier own issues. Parliament is a forum for discussion. Raise your issues according to rules, I will allow discussion," she said.
But the opposition members were on their feet. They trooped near the Speaker's podium and started sloganeering.
Amid the din, Mahajan again adjourned the House till 12 noon.
Earlier, the House was adjourned briefly for around 10 minutes.
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Soon after the question hour began, opposition members from the Congress and Telugu Desam Party trooped near the Speaker's podium shouting anti-government slogans.
Mahajan urged them to raise their issues in the Zero Hour but they did not relent.
She even warned a TDP member by name but the party members continued with their protests demanding special status for Andhra Pradesh.
"I am warning you. Go to your seats. A full discussion has taken place on your demands. No Confidence Motion was there in the last session."
But the TDP members continued sloganeering with placards in their hands "we want justice".
Congress members were heard raising slogans demanding inquiry into the Rafale fighter jet deal. As the din continued, Mahajan adjourned the House till 11.20 a.m.