Dismissing a petition by a British national charged with child abuse, the Madras High Court has suggested to the central government to look into the option of castration as a punishment for such offenders.
In a strongly worded judgment recently, Justice N. Kirubakaran said castration of child abusers would act as a deterrent and lead to "magical results".
He said that the suggestion of castration may seem to be barbaric but barbaric crimes should attract such punishments, and that the court cannot remain a silent spectator when the law was ineffective.
The court dismissed the petition - seeking quashing of the case - filed by the British national, now based in London, accused of abusing a minor boy in New Delhi in 2011.
The prosecution case was that the accused had sexually abused a minor boy after promising his family monetary assistance towards the boy's education.
After the foreigner left for his country, a complaint was lodged against him.
A court then framed charges and issued non-bailable warrant against him.