West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's nephew Abhishek Banerjee, the Trinamool Congress candidate from Diamond Harbour, has declared assets in excess of Rs.50 lakhs.
Banerjee, whose gross annual income for 2012-13 stood at Rs.44.64 lakh, possesses moveable assets worth Rs.23.57 lakh and immoveable assets valued at Rs.30 lakh.
Besides deposits in several bank accounts, Banerjee's moveable assets include a SUV worth Rs.3 lakh and 22 grams of gold valued at Rs.63,800. His other moveable assets include interest on saving scheme certificates in excess of Rs.1.04 lakh.
Banerjee's wife, who has declared an annual income of Rs.29.33 lakh, has moveable assets worth in excess of Rs.54.08 lakh.
His immoveable assets in form of advance for a 1,588 square feet flat in Kolkata amount to Rs.30 lakh.
A MBA graduate, Banerjee has no financial liabilities and has not been convicted of any offence.