Issuing a stern warning to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM),A West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said a few people with "vested interests" were trying to create unrest in the hills, and asserted the law will take its own course if there was "violence".
Banerjee's Trinamool Congress also got a shot in the arm, as GJM vice chairman and Gorkha Territorial Administration chairman Pradip Pradahan crossed over to the state's ruling party during the day.
Banerjee accused the central government of sometimes aiding those who try to foment trouble in northern West Bengal's hills.
"A few people with vested interests try to create unrest in the Hills. Sometimes Delhi aids them.
"People of the hills do not want violence. Violence and disruption is never desirable. People want development in the hills. If there is violence, the law will take its own course," said Banerjee at Sukna of Kurseong block in Darjeeling district, before returning to Kolkata after a two-day trip to north Bengal.
Pradhan, who joined the Trinamool with a large number of his followers in the presence of state Sports Minister Arup Biswas at Kurseong, alleged that there was "much corruption" in the GJM run GTA.
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Meanwhile, riled at the desertions form the GJM ranks, its students wing Vidyarthi Sena began a relay hunger strike in Kalimpong and Darjeeling.