Kerala's Leader of Opposition V.S.Achuthanandan Thursday asserted Finance Minister K.M. Mani, who faces allegations of corruption, will not be allowed to present the budget this year.
"You wait and see, he will not be allowed to present it," Achuthanandan told reporters here.
The Oommen Chandy government has made it clear that Mani will be presenting the 2015-16 budget.
Asked if preventing Mani from presenting the budget would not be against democratic traditions, Achuthanandan shot back: "Let it be, you can wait and see."
Mani is facing the heat after bar owner Biju Ramesh alleged the minister was given Rs.1 crore as the first instalment of the Rs.5 crore he demanded to help reopen bars in the state.
Achuthanandan had earlier said that Mani will not be allowed entry to the assembly when the the upcoming session commences.
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Mani, who turns 82 Friday has also gone on record that he will be presenting the budget, come what may.
He has already started work and begun wide-ranging consultations with various organisations and people. Presenting the 2015-16 budget will see him break his own record of 12 budgets, the highest by any state finance minister in India.