Delhi Health Minister Satyendra Jain on Wednesday warned the medical superintendent of the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital over his controversial remark on a nurses' room in the hospital.
According to hospital sources, Yogesh Sarin, who was appointed the medical superintendent a few weeks ago, termed the nurses' room as "G.B. Road" - a red-light district in Delhi.
The remark was made after an altercation broke out between a group of nurses and the medical superintendent over a room, which Sarin wanted the nurses to vacate.
A team of nurses met Jain and urged him to take strict action against the medical superintendent.
"The minister has spoken to the medical superintendent and has warned him not to use such language. He has been told that if he ever repeats this, it may lead to his suspension," an official at Jain's office told IANS.
Asked if the minister would initiate action against the medical superintendent, the official said: "The minister met the nurses and told them there was no point dragging the issue as he had spoken to the medical superintendent."
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Meanwhile, the medical superintendent said the problems occurred while the nurses approached him over some of his decisions regarding reforms in the hospital and to appoint a nursing superintendent which was lying vacant for years.
"I understand that certain unscrupulous people tried to flare up the environment by mentioning lies and misquoting some of my statements out of the context," Sarin said in a statement.
"Some nurses agitated, shouted slogans, disrupted work for sometime around lunch time and later approached the health minister... The baseless allegation of my having made derogatory remarks about on the ex-matron was also expunged."