Mobile handset company Karbonn has tied up with Vodafone India to offer internet plans service to its customers, who will buy Karbonn's flagship devices - Karbonn Titanium S5 & Karbonn Smart A1ustomers A12, a company statement said here Monday.
"We entail maximizing user experience, and thus have tied with India's leading mobile internet service provider - Vodafone - to provide internet services to our consumers. Our aim remains to provide a unique user experience to the consumers and through our latest offering we seek to engage the consumer base with a power package which allows them to seamlessly navigate the internet with the best of hardware devices - the Karbonn Titanium S5 and Karbonn Smart A12 and the best of internet network provided by Vodafone," Shashin Devsare, executive director, Karbonn said.
Karbonn is a joint venture between Delhi-based Jaina Group and Bangalore based UTL Group.