Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's online mentions over the past six months have grown by 126 percent while those of Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi dropped by 2 percent, a survey said Wednesday.
According to the survey by blogworks, Modi continues to be most mentioned on social media with almost nine times more buzz than Rahul Gandhi.
The survey said that Congress leader Digvijaya Singh made an entry in the top 10, moving from 20th to 7th spot in July.
Digvijaya Singh's disparaging statement against fellow party leader Meenakshi Natarajan got criticism from several quarters, taking him to the 7th spot, the survey found.
Similarly, BJP leader Sushma Swaraj dropped out of the top 20 for the first time since January 2013, the survey showed.
In other instances, speculation around Telagana contributed to the highest mentions under law, order and internal affairs for Congress chief Sonia Gandhi.